Founding Parent/Student Info and Education Series

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For all parents of incoming 9th graders, we know you have questions, and we have information you need. We have a series of meetings designed just for you to know what to expect this fall, and to get some education on how STEAD will work to provide your child with a world class education. Topics will include:
  • What will the first week look like?
  • What if construction isn’t finished?
  • When will students register for classes?
  • How do grades work?
  • What math will my child be in?
  • What are the school fees
Additionally, there will be some opportunities for parents to actually experience key components of the STEAD model and hear directly from teachers who are already hard at work to bring STEAD to life. All session are on Monday nights from 6-7pm. Recordings will be available. Here are the dates:
  1. Monday 7/19
  2. Monday 7/26
  3. Monday 8/9
  4. Monday 8/16
  5. Monday 8/23
Topics and discussion will vary based on new information. Consider tuning in to as many as possible, especially as the the school year approaches.
If you haven’t already signed up, you can RSVP by sending an email to or calling 716-716-5023 and we’ll send you a calendar invite with a zoom link or location details. Hope to see you there!
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